【Navigation】 HOME Guide Admin Information 【Last Update】 2014-01-28
Trust | Comment |
AAA | Credit is extremely high. The highest rating. |
AA | Credit is very high, slightly affected by biz environs. |
A | Credit is high, but affected by biz environs. |
BBB | Credit is enough, but be decreased potential by biz environs. |
BB | Credit is a little enough, but be insufficient potential by biz environs. |
B | Credit is not enough, easily undermined by biz environs. |
CCC | Credit is fragile, and depended on biz environs. |
CC | Credit is very vulnerable. |
C | Credit is extremely vulnerable. The lowest rating. |
- | Non rating. |
| Foods | Textiles & Apparels | Wood & Wood products | Pulp & Paper | Publishing & Printing | Chemicals | Oil & Coal Products | Rubber Products | Leather Products | Glass & Ceramics Products | Iron & Steel | Nonferrous Metals Products | Metal Products | Machinery | Electric Appliances | Transportation Equipments | Precision Instruments | Other Products |
| Wholesale Trade | Retail Trade |
| Banks | Securities | Insurance |
| Railway | Road Transportation | Marine Transportation | Air Transportation | Warehousing | Other Transportation | Communication |
| Hotel | Movie | Amusement | Other Services |
*Financial data might be different from the actual one. Please confirm the original, and read Guide.
*This site has obtained the information from the FSA's EDINET, Tokyo Stock Exchange's TDnet and Pay statistical data services, Fukuoka stock Exchange's Stock market capitalization. The copyright of the information belongs to each corporation etc. .
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